The Victorian Chapter manages a suite of programs to support our members and create opportunities for their professional growth. We are the voice of the Institute in Victoria and we actively engage with state and local government to promote the interests of our members, the community in relation to the built environment, and the architectural profession in general.
We recognise works of our local architects through the Victorian Architecture Awards and we foster a knowledge-sharing culture through our publications and our large, medium and small practice forums.
The Victorian Chapter acknowledges the traditional owners of the site on which our office stands, the people of the Kulin Nation. We pay our respects to their Elders, past, present and emerging.
Our Chapter and National Awards programs are an opportunity for public and peer recognition of the valuable contribution architecture makes to our communities locally, nationally and internationally.
Each year, the Victorian Chapter offers a range of prizes and scholarships to recognise and encourage the work of our members.
Fellowship is awarded to those who have demonstrated a significant contribution to the architecture profession beyond architecture practice.
A series of online discussion groups where members can connect with each other, share ideas, and learn from each other.
The Institute is committed to developing and promoting a strong architectural profession and advocating for safer, more sustainable communities. Learn about local and national advocacy initiatives.
Continuing Professional Development is an important avenue to improve professional knowledge and competence.
View our range of online and face-to-face CPD opportunities.
Meet our Chapter Councillors and discover our local committees helping shape our work and the built environment.
Architect Victoria is the official publication of the Institute’s Victorian Chapter.
We work in dedicated partnership with you to align your business with our focused programs, events and members.
7 Mar 2025 | International Women's Day Breakfast |
1-3 May 2025 | Australian Architecture Conference (Sydney) |
15-25 May 2025 | Melbourne Design Week |
26-27 July 2025 | Open House Melbourne |
6 Oct 2025 | World Architecture Day |
Nov 2025 (TBC) | Victorian Honours Event |
Nov 2025 (TBC) | Fellows, Life Fellows & Past Presidents Lunch |
Nov 2025 (TBC) | Victorian Chapter End-of-Year Party |
3 Feb 2025 | Entries to the 2025 Victorian Architecture Awards Close |
20 Feb 2025 | Jury Briefing |
22 Mar 2025 | Presentation to Juries |
19-27 Mar 2025 | Exhibition of Entries |
23 Apr 2025 | Shortlist Event |
28 Apr - 1 May 2025 | Site Visits |
5 Jun 2025 | Sponsor Jury Event |
27 Jun 2025 | Victorian Architecture Awards Night |
The Victorian Chapter operates its Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program in Melbourne and regional Victoria. CPD events include technical presentations on materials and products from industry players, and workshops and seminars covering topics around the four areas of competency standards – design, documentation, project delivery and practice management.
We also hold two Practice of Architecture Learning Series each year with face-to-face tutorials to help members prepare for the Architectural Practice Examination and refresh core knowledge for practice.
Mentorloop is the mentoring platform which enables members to easily match with other members of the Institute community. Utilising online specialist matching software, mentors and mentees will find a carefully curated match across the country or closer to home should that be your preference.
For mentees: as you progress in your studies and career, connect with new mentors who can offer support, advice and opportunities. By using the program, you will be empowered to build your very own advisory board, whose experience you can draw on throughout the course of your career.
For mentors: this is a great chance to give back while improving your leadership and management skills by providing advice and feedback to someone who can really use your help.
Contact for more information.
Fellowship is awarded to members who have demonstrated a significant contribution to the profession beyond the practice of architecture.
Criteria for elevation:
Life Fellow is the highest honour class of RAIA membership available to members practicing architecture. Fellowship is awarded to those who have demonstrated a significant contribution to the architecture profession beyond architecture practice. Life Fellows are endorsed by National Council.
Mr Michael Adams FRAIA, Mr Benjamin Alexander FRAIA, Mr Jose Alfano FRAIA, Mr Mark Allan FRAIA, Mr Anthony Allen FRAIA, Mr Neil Appleton FRAIA, Mr Paul Archibald FRAIA, Mr Anthony Armstrong FRAIA, Mr Edward Ashton FRAIA, Mr Mark Austin FRAIA, Mr Richard Barrack FRAIA, Mr John Baulch FRAIA, Mr Serdar Baycan FRAIA, Ms Kirsty Bennett FRAIA, Mr Theodore Berman FRAIA, Ms Helen Berthelsen FRAIA, Mr Nigel Bertram FRAIA, Mr Michael Bialek FRAIA, Mr Robert Bienvenu FRAIA, Mr Ronald Billard FRAIA, Mr Tim Black FRAIA, Mr David Blanche FRAIA, Mr Neil Blyth FRAIA, Mr Rico Bonaldi FRAIA, Mr Richard Booth FRAIA, Mr Noel Bradbury FRAIA, Mr Stephen Brooke FRAIA, Mr Peter Brown FRAIA, Ms Emmil Browne FRAIA, Mr Richard Bryant FRAIA, Ms Sarah Bryant FRAIA, Ms Stephanie Bullock FRAIA, Mr Ian Burch FRAIA, Ms Rosemary Burne FRAIA, Mr Mark Burry FRAIA, Mr Keith Butler FRAIA, Mr Kerry Callaghan FRAIA, Mr Vito Cassisi FRAIA, Mr William Chancellor FRAIA, Mr Seong Kai Chen FRAIA, Mr Craig Chester FRAIA, Mrs Elizabeth Chilton FRAIA, Mr John Chow FRAIA, Ms Justine Clark Hon.FRAIA, Mr Ross Clark FRAIA, Ms Sophie Cleland FRAIA, Mr Peter Cole FRAIA, Ms Catherine Colla FRAIA, Mr Walter Colman FRAIA, Mr Neville Cowland FRAIA, Ms Rosa Coy FRAIA, Mr Geoffrey Croker FRAIA, Mr John Cuthbert FRAIA, Mr Peter Dale FRAIA, Ms Maria Danos FRAIA, Mrs Errol Day FRAIA, Mr Alfred de Bruyne FRAIA, Mr Koos de Keijzer FRAIA, Mr Neil de la Coeur FRAIA, Mr Leigh Dicker FRAIA, Mr Antony DiMase FRAIA, Mr Lindsay Douglas FRAIA, Ms Anne Douglas FRAIA, Ms Catherine Duggan FRAIA, Ms Fiona Dunin FRAIA, Mr Kenneth Edmonds FRAIA, Mr Frederick Edwards FRAIA, Mr Geoffrey Ellis FRAIA, Mr Michael Ellis FRAIA, Mr Harry Ernest FRAIA, Mr Richard Falkinger FRAIA, Mr Richard Farrar FRAIA, Mr John Fawcett FRAIA, Mr Andrew Fedorowicz FRAIA, Mr James Fisher FRAIA, Ms Deborah Fisher FRAIA, Mr Kenneth Fitchett FRAIA, Mr Adrian FitzGerald FRAIA, Ms Hayley Franklin FRAIA, Mr Callum Fraser FRAIA, Mr Clive Fredman FRAIA, Ms Sandra Freeman FRAIA, Mr Karlis Freiverts FRAIA, Mr Peter Georgiev FRAIA, Mr Walter Gherardin FRAIA, Mr Matt Gibson FRAIA, Mr Donald Goldsworthy FRAIA, Mr Robert Goodliffe FRAIA, Mr Greville Gowty FRAIA, Mr Donald Graham FRAIA, Mr Alan Green FRAIA, Mr Kelvin Greenway FRAIA, Mr Balcombe Griffiths FRAIA, Mr John Gurry FRAIA, Ms Victoria Hamer FRAIA, Mr David Hampton FRAIA, Mr Ross Harding Hon.FRAIA, Mr Max Hardman FRAIA, Mr Philip Harmer FRAIA, Miss Constance Hart FRAIA, Mr George Hastings FRAIA, Mr Mervyn Hayman-Danker FRAIA, Mr Lyndon Hayward FRAIA Mr Paul Hede FRAIA, Ms Laura Held FRAIA, Mr Robert Henderson FRAIA, Mr John Henry FRAIA, Ms Susan Hill FRAIA, Mr James Hobba FRAIA, Mr Jack Honson FRAIA, Mr Bradley Hooper FRAIA, Mr David Hopkins FRAIA, Mr John Hunt FRAIA, Mr Timothy Hurburgh FRAIA, Mr John Ingram FRAIA, Mr David Islip FRAIA, Ms Mary Ann Jackson FRAIA, Ms Wendy Jacobs FRAIA, Mr Stephen Javens FRAIA, Mr Peter Johnson FRAIA, Mrs Josephine Johnson FRAIA, Mr Colin Jones FRAIA, Mr Graeme Jones FRAIA, Mr Greg Jones FRAIA, Mr Erwin Kaldor FRAIA, Mr Nicholas Katris FRAIA, Mr Paul Katsieris FRAIA, Mr Paul Katz FRAIA, Mr Trevor Keetley FRAIA, Mr Russell Kemp FRAIA, Mr Patrick Kennedy FRAIA, Mr Walter Kiessling FRAIA, Mr Robert Kitching FRAIA, Mr Simon Knott FRAIA, Mr Robert Knott FRAIA, Mr Stephan Kosa FRAIA, Mr Ivo Krivanek FRAIA, Mr Bill Krotiris FRAIA, Mr Ian Laging FRAIA, Mr Eddy Lau FRAIA, Mr Chau Dinh Le FRAIA, Mr John Lee FRAIA, Mr Harry Lee FRAIA, Mr Raymond Lee FRAIA, Mr Then Loy Lee FRAIA, Mr Tony Lee FRAIA, Mr Michael Leeton FRAIA, Mr James Legge FRAIA, Mr Richard Leonard FRAIA, Mr Kwai Choy Leong FRAIA, Mr Timothy Leslie FRAIA, Mr Joseph Lewit FRAIA, Mr Ernest Long FRAIA, Mr Harcourt Long FRAIA, Mr Ian Longstaff FRAIA, Mr Roderick Macdonald FRAIA, Mr Ian Macdonald FRAIA, Mr Alasdair Macleod FRAIA, Mr Joseph Macnaughtan FRAIA, Mr John Malina FRAIA, Mr Robert Martin FRAIA, Mr Neil Masterton FRAIA, Ms Helen Mathew FRAIA, Mr Gary Mathisen FRAIA, Mr Peter Matters FRAIA, Mr Andrew Maynard FRAIA, Mr Michael Moloney FRAIA, Mr Alan Morton FRAIA, Mr Michael McCabe FRAIA, Mr Paul McDonald FRAIA, Mr Ian McEwan FRAIA, Ms Lucinda McLean FRAIA, Mr Jeremy McLeod FRAIA, Ms Karen McWilliam FRAIA, Mr Thomas McNeilly FRAIA, Mr Stefan Mee FRAIA, Ms Naomi Milgrom Hon.FRAIA, Mr Albert Mo FRAIA, Mr Geoffrey Mould FRAIA, Ms Amy Muir FRAIA, Mr Malcolm Munro FRAIA, Mr Ian Napier FRAIA, Mr Roger Nelson FRAIA, Ms Marika Neustupny FRAIA, Mr Nick Nigro FRAIA, Ms Judith North FRAIA, Mr Terence Nott FRAIA, Mr Rowan Opat FRAIA, Mr Darren Overend FRAIA, Mr Thomas Paciocco FRAIA, Mr Karlis Padoms FRAIA, Mr Neville Page FRAIA, Mr William Patrick FRAIA, Mr John Permewan FRAIA, Mr Edgard Pirrotta FRAIA, Mr Derek Pitt FRAIA, Mr David Prest FRAIA, Mr Llewellyn Pritchard FRAIA, Mr Robert Puksand FRAIA, Mr Ronald Rayment FRAIA Mr Bryce Raworth FRAIA Mr Ronald Quirk FRAIA, Mr Raivo Rahni FRAIA, Mr Graham Reid FRAIA, Mr John Reid FRAIA, Ms Helen Rice FRAIA, Mr Ivan Rijavec FRAIA, Mr Nazzareno Rizzo FRAIA, Ms Shelley Roberts FRAIA, Ms Angela Roennfeldt FRAIA, Mr Robert Rogers FRAIA, Ms Virginia Ross FRAIA, Mr Shane Rothe FRAIA, Mr John Rouse FRAIA, Mr Saul Rozenbes FRAIA, Mr Geoffrey Rule FRAIA, Mr James Sadler FRAIA, Mr Janis Saltups FRAIA, Ms Nadine Samaha FRAIA, Mr John Sanderson FRAIA, Mr Peter Saul FRAIA, Mr Geoffrey Saunders FRAIA, Mr Hugh Schroeder FRAIA, Mr Graham Scott-Bohanna FRAIA, Ms Francis Secomb FRAIA, Mr Chris Shields FRAIA, Mr Robert Simeoni FRAIA, Ms Phyllis Simons FRAIA, Mr David Simpson FRAIA, Mr Peter Sli irski FRAIA, Mr Brian Smith FRAIA, Mr Davin Smith FRAIA, Mr Ian Smith FRAIA, Mr Mun Kok Soon FRAIA, Mr Michael Spivakovsky FRAIA, Mr Rajanathan Sri Balasubramaniam FRAIA, Mr James Staughton FRAIA, Mr Kelvin Steel FRAIA, Mr Keith Streames FRAIA, Mr Peter Stynes FRAIA, Mr Alan Synman FRAIA, Mr Zbignew Szczepanski FRAIA, Mr Mah Hoon Tan FRAIA, Mr Vernon Tansley FRAIA, Mr Phillip Templeton FRAIA, Ms Delia Teschendorff FRAIA, Mr Conrad Theodore FRAIA, Mr Garry Thompson FRAIA, Mr Peter Tsitas FRAIA, Mr Richard Underwood FRAIA, Mr Johannes Van Dyk FRAIA, Ms Jacqueline Wagner FRAIA, Mr Anton Vukosav FRAIA, Mr David Wagner FRAIA, Mr Klaus-Juergen Veltjens FRAIA, Mr Peter Vernon FRAIA, Dr.Fleur Watson Hon.FRAIA, Mr Robert Watson FRAIA, Mr Stuart Warmington FRAIA, Mr James Webb FRAIA, Mr Graham Whitford FRAIA, Mr Choo Keng Wee FRAIA, Mr Abraham Weinstock FRAIA, Ms Jane Williams FRAIA, Mr Shane Williams FRAIA, Mr Grant Withers FRAIA, Mr John Witorz FRAIA, Mr Gary Wolff FRAIA, Mr William Woodburn FRAIA, Mrs Monique Woodward FRAIA, Mr Scott Woodward FRAIA, Mr Peter Woolard FRAIA, Ms Louise Wright FRAIA, Ms Barbara Yerondais FRAIA, Mr Ampalavanar Yogaparan FRAIA, Mr Wilbur Ziersch FRAIA.
Professor Robert Adams LFRAIA, Ms Karen Alcock LFRAIA, Mr Bruce Allen LFRAIA, Mr Anthony Arnel LFRAIA, Mr Donald Bailey LFRAIA, Mr Edward Baillieu LFRAIA, Mrs Susan Balderstone LFRAIA, Mr William Barlow LFRAIA, Mr Donald Bates LFRAIA, Ms Ingrid Bakker LFRAIA, Ms Vanessa Bird LFRAIA, Professor Graham Brawn LFRAIA, Ms Regina Bron LFRAIA, Mr Robert Bruce LFRAIA, Ms Sarah Buckeridge LFRAIA, Mr Gregory Burgess LFRAIA, Mr Peter Carmichael LFRAIA, Mr Dennis Carter LFRAIA, Mr John Castles LFRAIA, Mr Robert Caulfield LFRAIA, Mr Leslie Clarke LFRAIA, Mr Jonathan Clements LFRAIA, Mr Robin Cocks LFRAIA, Mr William Corker LFRAIA, Ms Clare Cousins LFRAIA, Mr Peter Crone LFRAIA, Mrs Anne Cunningham LFRAIA, Ms Suzanne Dance LFRAIA, Mrs Francesca Davenport LFRAIA, Mr John Davidson LFRAIA, Mr John Denton LFRAIA, Ms Sarah Draper LFRAIA, Ms Meaghan Dwyer LFRAIA, Ms Margaret Edmond LFRAIA, Professor Peter Elliott LFRAIA, Mr Neil Evans LFRAIA, Mr Karl Fender LFRAIA, Ms Jillian Garner LFRAIA, Ms Elisabetta Giannini LFRAIA, Mr Kenneth Gilillan LFRAIA, Professor Philip Goad LFRAIA, Mr Sean Godsell LFRAIA, Mr Reginald Grouse LFRAIA, Dr Graeme Gunn LFRAIA, Mr Simon Hanger LFRAIA, Mr Stuart Harrison LFRAIA, Mr William Henning LFRAIA, Mr Peter Hirst LFRAIA, Ms Kim Irons LFRAIA, Mr Daryl Jackson LFRAIA, Mr Ewan Jones LFRAIA, Mr Thomas Jordan LFRAIA, Mr Charles Justin LFRAIA, Mr Epaminondas Katsalidis LFRAIA, Mrs Ann Keddie LFRAIA, Mr John King LFRAIA, Mr Allen Kong LFRAIA , Ms Ann Lau LFRAIA, Mr Carey Lyon LFRAIA , Professor Corbett Lyon LFRAIA, Mr Hamish Lyon LFRAIA, Mr Peter Maddison LFRAIA, Mr Peter Malatt LFRAIA, Mr Barrington Marshall LFRAIA, Mr Brian Mathieson LFRAIA , Mr Robert McBride LFRAIA , Professor Ian McDougall LFRAIA, Mr Robert McGauran LFRAIA, Mrs Dione McIntyre LFRAIA, Professor Robert McIntyre LFRAIA, Mr Bryan Miller LFRAIA, Mrs Phyllis Murphy LFRAIA, Professor Shane Murray LFRAIA, Mr Anthony Mussen LFRAIA, Mr Charles Nelson LFRAIA, Mrs Jenifer Nicholls LFRAIA, Ms Rachel Nolan LFRAIA, Mr Hugh O’Neill LFRAIA, Mr Roman Pavlyshyn LFRAIA, Mr Robert Peck LFRAIA, Mr Michael Peck LFRAIA, Ms Shelley Penn LFRAIA, Mr Roger Poole LFRAIA, Mr Allan Powell LFRAIA, Mr Peter Quigley LFRAIA, Professor Howard Raggatt LFRAIA, Professor Dimity Reed LFRAIA, Professor Allan Rodger LFRAIA, Mr David Sainsbery LFRAIA, Mr Peter Sanders LFRAIA, Mr Robert Sinclair LFRAIA, Mr Robert Stent LFRAIA, Mr Tony Styant-Browne LFRAIA, Ms Kerstin Thompson LFRAIA, Mr Bruce Trethowan LFRAIA, Professor Leonardus van Schaik LFRAIA, Ms Yvonne von Hartel LFRAIA, Mr John Wardle LFRAIA, Mr Peter Williams LFRAIA, Ms Ruth Wilson LFRAIA, Mr Roger Wood LFRAIA.
The Victorian Chapter provides advice by senior and highly experienced members of the profession on the practice of architecture.
These Senior Counsellors generously donate their time and we aim to respond within two working days. Please email the Vic Chapter with your inquiry including your full name, mobile number, member number and brief description of the issue. Please mention the project and contract type.
Important Disclaimer: This service is intended to help you make an informed decision. The Senior Counsellor can only respond to the information you give them and may ask further questions relevant to the facts they need. They may give you their opinion or general information relevant to what you’ve told them. They cannot give you legal advice and nothing they say should be relied on as legal advice. You cannot claim that a Senior Counsellor or the Institute has given you advice. You may tell others that you have spoken to an Australian Institute of Architects Senior Counsellor before reaching your own conclusion or decision.
We work in dedicated partnership with you to align your business with our focused programs, events and members.
A partnership can provide opportunities for engagement at regional, state and national levels, enabling you to reach key decision-makers from architectural firms throughout Australia and abroad, build brand awareness with more than 14,000 industry professionals, align your brand with the leading professional body for architecture and design, and develop dedicated meeting, earning and networking platforms.
Victorian Chapter
Australian Institute of Architects
Level 4
41 Exhibition Street
Melbourne, VIC 3000
Office Opening Hours
Monday – Friday
10.00am – 4.00pm
Saturday – Sunday
The Australian Institute of Architects acknowledges First Nations peoples as the Traditional Custodians of the lands, waters, and skies of the continent now called Australia.
We express our gratitude to their Elders and Knowledge Holders whose wisdom, actions and knowledge have kept culture alive.
We recognise First Nations peoples as the first architects and builders. We appreciate their continuing work on Country from pre-invasion times to contemporary First Nations architects, and respect their rights to continue to care for Country.