SONA Leadership positions

SONA Leadership roles
2025 SONA Executive elections
The SONA Executive team leads the national network of SONA representatives. SONA executives are nationally elected positions. Each member of the SONA executive team has a unique portfolio and position focus.

Matthew Sabransky
Master Architecture student at Deakin University
Matthew Sabransky
I have a keen interest in advancing architecture education outside the classroom, and creating opportunities for student engagement. My focus is on creating inclusive spaces where all students feel welcome. My experience with SONA has revealed that there are many missed opportunities for deeper student involvement. Often, students feel they aren’t the intended audience at certain events, leading to a sense of exclusion, even when discounted tickets are available. I aim to change this narrative by ensuring that students feel welcome and valued at all events, bridging the gap between students and professionals. I believe my leadership style is rooted in collaboration, ensuring that reps take on the student perspective from universities around the country, and that their voice is heard and valued.
One of the key issues I am passionate about is addressing the lack of accessible local opportunities for students to engage with built environment works. Many students feel disconnected from the real-world projects and initiatives happening in their communities. This means students could be missing out on practical learning experiences that could enhance their education. With access to national committees, I hope to gain momentum for these types of initiatives for students to expand their learning. This approach will not only enhance the student experience, but also empowers individuals to make meaningful contributions to their communities.
My year as SONA Vice President (Professional Development) has been a rewarding experience, where I’ve actively engaged with representatives from across the country. Through this engagement I have demonstrated insight into the diverse challenges and aspirations of architecture students nationwide, strengthening my commitment to advocacy and inclusivity. Where this has made a proven impact, it in one of the themes of Super Studio 2024, as a rural representative spoke about including regional aspects to the brief of the competition. This change had a meaningful effect on the national competition. This demonstrates where these contributions can prove vital to the broader architectural conversation for students. I hope to continue this dialogue, and build on SONAs impact on the architecture community in Australia.

Ellie Munn
Bachelor of Design (Architecture) student at Curtin University
Ellie Munn
The role of SONA Vice President for Community excites me because I’m passionate about creating meaningful connections among students at university and between students and the broader industry. I see this role as an opportunity to create a stronger community where students can feel supported and connected. Throughout my experience as a SONA Rep, I’ve worked on events such as the Fremantle Office Tour and Super Studio, which provided students with direct access to firms and professionals. These kinds of initiatives align with my goals to bridge the gap between education and the profession, and I would love to expand these efforts on a larger scale.
I believe I have strong creative and organisational skills and a good connection to the student community that would greatly enhance de-PICT. Before studying architecture, I did a semester in a journalism degree path, as I really enjoy writing. When the opportunity to be a part of The Architect WA magazine came around, I was very excited to combine two things I love. For de-PICT in 2025, my vision would be to create editions of the magazine, filled with student work and other architecture pieces, however it would also be a goal to increase awareness of it across universities and create a stronger brand for the magazine.
To grow and engage the SONA community, I would focus on creating more opportunities for connection and collaboration among students and between the other SONA Reps. Building on my experience from this year as a Representative, having diverse events that are both social and professional, are key to creating strong engagement. Additionally, I’d utilise digital platforms, such as Instagram, to keep members engaged year-round, with interactive content, advertising virtual events, and opportunities for students to contribute to initiatives like de-PICT. As a Rep this year, I have been running the WA Instagram account and gained over 300 followers through active engagement, sharing pictures and creating reels which I have really enjoyed doing.

Orlando Iliopoulos
Bachelor of Design (Architecture) student at the University of Technology Sydney
Orlando Iliopoulos
Diversifying the existing platforms within the Institute to have greater relevance for students. As the roles and values of architects evolve I seek to maintain student engagement. Through my years tenure as university representative I have advocated through the State Chapters and SONA network for increased student alignment with practicing architects. My role in the Institute currently has worked to increase the prominence of the student body through the various platforms of the institute. I have written frameworks for student engagement in the professionally targeted community platform as well as creating a students arms in the Institutes Podcast. My key concern of mine has been to increase the exposure and hireability of students in practice. hope to further engage the student voice at Chapter Council, shaping the field of architecture. I am currently working with the State Chapter Council in planning events and platforms that would, combined, facilitate this.
A key interest in my own works is equity in housing, sustainability and the connection of indigenous knowledge to the design process. I seek to work with the institute to create increased access to resources that are relevant to the student body. In advocating for this, I seek to engage the student body to like minded and pioneering architects, focussing on these various issues as well as others of concern to SONA members. In my representative role I have previously reached out to architects relevant to my concerns for guidance, a pipeline that I wish to extend to the students body to create with architects and practices that align with their values. In the role of VP I wish to give students the platform for activism, understanding it is important in the progression of the field we will inherit, putting students at the forefront of its evolution.
Within my own research from students, there was a perceived disconnect between the student body and practicing architects. Through engagement of the institute I developed two separate frameworks to diversify existing platforms for students to contribute to wider industry discourse. In minimizing the perceived distance between the different arms of practice, I worked with the institute in review of the Institute’s Community Page as well as creating a framework for an extension of the Institutes podcast to include the student voice and interest. Understanding the diversity of the student body, working with state representatives, we further increased the catchment of Superstudio, a key event in the connection of students to practice. Achieving these solutions involved extensive consultation with the student body as well as the Australian Institute of Architects to develop mutually beneficial outcomes, developing relationships in important groups that will help expedite the actioning of future advocacy.

Senlina Mayer
Master of Architecture student at Queensland University of Technology
Senlina Mayer
As Vice-President for Professional Development, I am eager to ensure individual student successes have a platform to be recognised and celebrated, and members are enabled in their architectural journey through unique opportunities to access the professional industry. SONA as a leading student body offers a multitude of opportunities to build student portfolios that contribute substantially to employability. Having personally benefitted from the mentorship, office crawl and competition programs through SONA, I look forward to advocating for more opportunities to grow industry-relevant skills on a local and national level and forming new student connections to architectural practice.
I believe that by working collaboratively across academia, practice, community forums and research, the exchange of knowledge (from both top-down, and bottom-up approaches) urges all levels of professionals to engage positively in forging our shared futures. I am committed to challenging conventional paradigms and fostering a holistic approach to architecture. The Vice-President for Professional Development therefore offers a platform for reducing the disparity between university content and work experience by presenting SONA members with the opportunity to be better equipped with tools, experience and exposure to professional practice. This includes organising conversations with architects and designers, fluency with software, mentorship with a professional, mock interviews, portfolio reviews, office immersions, site visits, student competitions and networking opportunities.
As a QLD jury member, mentor, state winner of SuperStudio and SONA representative, I have been actively involved in the organization and participation of SuperStudio and Upscale, and judging of winning teams. As a generative and speculative design competition, SuperStudio presents an opportunity for student voices to contribute to the greater architectural dialogue in responding to social, environmental and economic crises. On a practical level, I am committed to optimizing national student engagement in the competition, by drawing upon more networks in practice and university to facilitate effective mentor sessions and design talks, as well as introducing training sessions that allow for upskilling in the use of software (such as the Adobe suite, or Autodesk tools) for producing presentations, or iterating designs. Having participated in Design Charrettes in my workplace, Architectus, I am passionate about the collaborative environment that SuperStudio fosters, which reflects the design process in professional practice.
SONA representative
SONA Representatives are ambassadors for SONA and the Institute. Reps help to enhance students’ university study and social experiences and provide opportunities for professional networking and career development.
This is a voluntary position. Benefits of being a SONA Representative include
- Free SONA membership for the year you are in the role
- Learn more about the architecture profession
- Learn new skills and develop your experience in a professional setting
- Be part of a likeminded community and raise your profile in the profession
- Looks great on your CV and shows a keen interest in your chosen profession
2025 Applications are now open!
Applications close on 30 September 2024; however, we will begin the review and interview process immediately, and the position may be filled before the closing date. We encourage early applications

SONA Executive role descriptions
Holding a SONA Executive position is the next step after being a SONA representative. The SONA Executive team leads the national SONA strategic direction and supports the SONA representative network.
SONA executives are nationally elected positions. Each member of the SONA executive team has a unique portfolio and position focus.
These are voluntary positions. Benefits of being on the SONA Executive include
- Free SONA membership for the year you are in the role
- Learn more about the architecture profession
- Learn new skills and develop your experience in a professional setting
- Be part of a likeminded community and raise your profile in the profession
- Looks great on your CV and shows a keen interest in your chosen profession
- Enhance your professional skills by taking on a leadership role with national impact, gaining valuable experience and exposure
Key Dates
SONA Applications open | Now
SONA Exec Applications close | 16 September closing 11.59 pm AEDT
SONA Exec voting opens | 18 September
Exec voting closed | 25 September 5.00 pm AEST

SONA President
The SONA President leads the Student Organised Network for Architecture (SONA) National Committee and is a member of the Institute’s National Council.
SONA Vice President for Advocacy
Champion the interests and concerns of the student body through advocacy efforts, researching, formulating, and promoting initiatives for students
SONA Vice President for Professional Development
Help plan and coordinate engaging and diverse competitions and events that enrich the student experience, foster a sense of community and provide opportunities for professional development.
SONA Vice President for Community
Help foster a vibrant and inclusive student community by contributing to member engagement initiatives and providing dedicated support and mentorship to SONA representatives creating an enriching and supportive environment for all student volunteers and members.
SONA Representative experiences

Architecture as an industry and interest for many demands a rich collaboration among contributors. As the SONA representative for QUT I was excited to be able to help facilitate those connections, and advocate for students that share my passion within this architectural field of study.
SONA offers a unique platform for connecting students and professionals from a variety of demographics and fields within architecture. Being able to coordinate events with work colleagues, Institute team members and students testifies to the convergence of SONA. Like with anything, what you invest is what you will reap. SONA is a fantastic platform for investing in your own experience as a student, as well as those of others! I personally forged many new relationships and networks, and would love to see future representatives continue to do so, within your own and with other universities nation-wide!
Senlina Mayer
Queensland University of Technology SONA Representative

Becoming a SONA representative has helped me to enter the professional world of Architecture much sooner. Being a SONA representative has given me opportunities to contact well established architects: the opportunity to talk to them, to know them and let them know me. Architecture world is a small community so it is good to show your face sooner than later. Being a SONA representative is also very empowering, and it gives you the responsibility to be the voice for all your fellow students. As you progress in life you will find out how crucial it is to have a voice and to be able to use your voice in the most effective way… this is an opportunity to learn how to speak up, how to defend your ideas.
Marco Pansini
Curtin University SONA Representative

I enjoyed organizing events and watching other people benefit from them at the end of the day. It was also great to meet new people who are passionate about the same things as I am. It's great to step out and meet people beyond your university and to explore the industry before actually stepping into it. It gives you a sneak peek and can inspire you a lot too!
Nuri Mohamd
University of Tasmania SONA Representative

I became a SONA rep to engage with the broader architectural community, make new friends and to support those going through the challenge of being an architecture student! My most rewarding experience was definitely working with others to help create really enjoyable events for students to participate in. More than ever, it's super important for our community to come together and support each other, especially as students. Being a SONA representative, you can make someone else's experience better through your initiatives.
RMIT SONA Representative

For me, SONA has been an opportunity to help architecture students, understand and advance the architectural profession. As a member of the SONA executive, I have been able to work together with like-minded people to deliver several initiatives and events. This continuous collaboration and culture of growth inspires me and instils me with hope for the future of SONA and the future of the profession. For anyone who is thinking about applying for a role on the SONA Executive, my advice would be to believe in yourself. If you have the drive to make a meaningful impact- anything is possible!
Nicole Mesquita Mendes
SONA President Elect