17-18 OCT
Sunshine Coast

The 2024 Queensland Regional Symposium is set to take place on the Sunshine Coast.
Regional practice requires agile and collaborative mindsets, which provides the foundations for transdisciplinary practice and creative solutions to stakeholder engagement. Collaborations in and across the regions encompass large, medium and small practices that readily draw on effective engagement with local governments, Traditional Owners, affiliated professionals, local communities and suppliers. Recent times have put a focus on the importance of such collaborative practice, whether we operate in a remote community, a regional centre, or a state capital.
This symposium offers opportunities for CPD presentations, case studies, and workshops conducted by local and inter-state architects and affiliated professionals.
The symposium lense of regional practice, architecture and architects, and the possibilities these suggest beyond practice in the regions is core to the symposium program. This will provide an opportunity to learn from, celebrate and acknowledge Queensland’s Regional Architecture. This immersive knowledge sharing and learning experience offered by the Sunshine Coast region, with local excursions this two-day event including a series of talks, presentations, lectures, workshops and site tours.
The 2024 Queensland Regional Symposium is delivered in conjuncture with the 2024 Sunshine Coast Open House, which follows directly after the symposium on the 19 – 20 October 2024. We hope to see many attendees join us on the Sunshine Coast for the whole weekend to enjoy the many wonderful experiences that the Sunshine Coast Open House offers.
You could be the 2024 Queensland Regional Symposium partner! Contact us on qldpartners@architecture.com.au to find out more.
The Queensland Chapter Partners are