The Australian Institute of Architects is excited to extend an exclusive opportunity to conference delegates and SONA members. We are delighted to announce the initiative to sponsor full conference access tickets for a select number of passionate and aspiring built environment students.
During the registration process, delegates have the chance to make a voluntary contribution to the student sponsorship fund, empowering them to directly contribute to the enrichment of students’ educational experiences, provide them with a unique opportunity to engage with industry leaders and learn more about their chosen profession.
How Can You Contribute?
During the registration process, delegates can voluntarily add a “student sponsorship ticket” to their registration. This will not only support students financially but will also promote a culture of mentorship and collaboration within the architectural community. This option will be available until mid-April.
Students applying for a Sponsored Ticket:
For students eager to attend the conference, we invite you to fill out the form below. The selection process for sponsored tickets will be conducted through a lottery, ensuring a fair opportunity for all applicants. The winners will be notified on (date). Each winner will receive 1x full conference access ticket only (any travel costs to attend are not included). Successful students will be notified mid-April.
Thanks for your interest in the Australian Architecture Conference. This form is now closed, entrants will be notified shortly if they have been successful.
Students at confeRence
In 2023, the Institute was thrilled to announce the recipients of complimentary full-access student tickets to attend the Australian Architecture Conference as part of the student fund initiative. Congratulations to the recipients, Rehia Hydari, a student from Monash University, Xing Ting Ng, a student from The University of Tasmania & Sina Booraghi, a student from The University of Canberra.
“It is very exciting that I can attend the conference, and I deeply appreciate members' contribution to the student fund. Especially now that I have taken the leap into completing my masters in architecture, and know that the conference will help to ignite a new sense of passion and interest for architecture as I start to navigate through my studies and professional experiences in the field."
Rehia Hydari, Monash University – 2023 Conference Sponsorship Recipient
We caught up with students and recent graduates at the 2023 conference, hear more about their experiences and why more students should consider attending. Thanks to Rehia, Reem, Richelle and Issac for sharing their experiences.
Contact us
Please contact the Institute’s National Events team with any enquiries:
Phone: 07 3828 4108