Building 8, RNA Showgrounds
2022 National Architecture Awards Shortlist

2022 National Architecture Awards: Heritage – Shortlist
Building 8, RNA Showgrounds | Conrad Gargett
Traditional Land Owners: The Turrbal and Yuggera People
The adaptive reuse of Building 8 is part of a larger program set to redevelop and revitalise the Brisbane Exhibition Grounds site at Bowen Hills. The Brisbane Exhibition Grounds, which have held the annual Queensland Exhibition for over 140 years, is listed on the Queensland Heritage Register, and Building 8 (the former Sheep and Wool Pavilion) is included in this listing. The redevelopment of Building 8 provides a ‘pavilion in the park’, accessible at all times providing a community space year-round, as well as being utilised as a hireable event space and EKKA venue.
Since opening to the general public, Building 8 has successfully hosted various events. The reuse and integration of this heritage building into a community park space has allowed for the ongoing appreciation and conservation of this modest industrial heritage building.

Practice team:
Nerida Bruyeres, Project Co-ordinator
Lauren Tanner, Project Co-ordinator
Michael Scott, Heritage Architect
Ben List, Project Architect
Lend Lease
Construction team:
Cardno, Hydraulic Consultant
EMF Griffiths, Electrical Consultant
Bligh Tanner, Structural Engineer
Lat 27, Landscape Consultant