Architect at home: Jimmy Thompson
Jimmy Thompson’s own house, for which he won the WA Chapter’s top residential architecture award in 2022, is a case study – and exemplar – for a battle axe block.
The Nicholson Galleries: Studio plus three
Located at the University of Sydney’s Chau Chak Wing Museum, the Nicholson Galleries are home to the university’s collection of antiquities from three ancient cultures: Egypt, Greece and Rome. When our studio was commissioned to design these galleries, the conceptual starting point was materiality; specifically, the way that material and tectonic culture helps to locate us in time and place.
Hyde Park House: Robeson Architects
Hyde Park House is located on busy Vincent Street adjacent to Perth’s iconic Hyde Park. On first glance the house is oddly nostalgic, its rich textures and materiality seamlessly blending into the existing heritage streetscape. However, on closer inspection it is evident that the house is the product of a robust yet delicate design process from Simone Robeson and Lauren Benson at Robeson Architects.
Do residence: Chindarsi Architects
Located on a busy neighbourhood artery, Do Residence by Chindarsi Architects is a substantial renovation to an existing brick home. But from the street the extension is nearly invisible, and the streetscape is preserved.
Casa Mia: Caroline Di Costa Architect and Iredale Pedersen Hook Architects
If you were restricted to using a single adjective to describe Casa Mia, the self-designed home of Adrian Iredale and Caroline Di Costa, you may well settle on ‘considered’.
Willcock Avenue House: vittinoAshe
Approaching the renovations and additions to this home, architects vittinoAshe sought to create something that mediates the uniquely well-preserved historic fabric of the neighbourhood with a client brief centred around contemporary ideas for healthy and sustainable family living.
Evans Street: MJA Studio
Introducing medium density into an established, low-density neighbourhood presents a variety of challenges. 95 Evans Street by MJA Studio is a respectful insertion into an inter-war neighbourhood showing sensitivity to the suburb’s existing context and character.
Higham Road House: Philip Stejskal Architecture
Higham Road House by Philip Stejskal Architecture has been expertly woven into the historic fabric of its neighbourhood, serving as an exemplar of how heritage, retained and celebrated, can inform and enrich design solutions to provide beautiful, functional spaces for a family to live and grow.
Haldane: Orielle Pearce Design
Haldane is a modestly-sized residence on a subdivided block in Mount Claremont. Designed by Orialle Pearce Design, the house encapsulates the calmness, warmth and relaxation of a summer’s day on Perth’s beaches. Translating this into built form drove design outcomes for the home’s layout, profile, orientation and materality.
Bilya Koort Boodja: Iredale Pedersen Hook
Standing proudly on Ballardong Nyoongar land, Iredale Pedersen Hook’s Bilya Koort Boodja (meaning “river, heart, land”) recognises the importance of country while acknowledging that this recognition has not always been given.