On Wednesday 12 August, we held an online Town Hall meeting for our Victorian members to discuss the impacts of the stage four lockdown currently in place in metropolitan Melbourne.
During the session, acting Chapter President Rob Stent and CEO Julia Cambage outlined the restrictions that apply to the construction industry and showcased the support and initiatives that the Institute has provided members over the last five months.
We also undertook live polling with those on the video conference to determine how the lockdown has affected them. This was followed by a Q&A session with Rob, Julia and our Policy and Advocacy team.
Thank you to those members who took part in the conversation. The evidence you provided, your feedback and questions are extremely valuable and help us to represent your views when speaking to Government.
Members also requested specific operational advice regarding some of the more complex or confusing restrictions. We are seeking further clarification from the Victorian Government and will send a comprehensive FAQ document in the coming days.
To watch a recording of the Wednesday’s Town Hall, play the video embedded in this page or watch on YouTube.