Vale Pat Pinder LFRAIA

Australian Institute of Architects (WA) Past President

The Western Australian architectural community has lost an industry stalwart with the passing of Patrick (Pat) Pinder on 2nd July 2023. 

Pat started his career in South Australia where he became a Director of Hassell.  Pat’s South Australian legacy includes the highly awarded Adelaide Festival Centre for which he was project architect working alongside future Australian Institute of Architects’ Gold Medallist John Morphett. 

Pat came to Western Australia in 1977 to establish a Perth office for Hassell, and later set up his own firm Pinder Architects.  In 1995 Pinder Architects merged with Sandover Architects to form Sandover Pinder, now Carabiner.  Pat retired from practice in 2000. 

Beyond practice, Pat gave back to the profession in so many waysHe was a Chapter Councillor at the Australian Institute of Architects, including a term as WA State President; an examiner for the Architects Board of Western Australia architectural practice examinations; an assessor on the Architects Accreditation Council of Australia; a member of the Building Disputes Tribunal; a senior sessional member of the State Administrative Tribunal; a member of WA Builders’ Registration Board; and a member of the City of South Perth Design Advisory Committee. 

Pat had a long-standing interest in architectural educationAs a representative of the Australian Institute of Architects he was responsible for establishing and running the Practice of Architecture Learning Series (PALS) program to assist graduates seeking registration as an architectHe also served as chair of the Institute’s National Education Committee and oversaw the development of a new architecture program accreditation procedure. 

After retiring from practice, Pat’s commitment to architectural education continued with his involvement in revising the curriculum for the professional practice stream of the architecture program at Curtin University and participating as a teacher and tutor of that program for several years.  

In recognition of his outstanding contributions to the profession, Pat was elevated to Life Fellow of the Royal Australian Institute of Architects in 2006, and he was recipient of the 2016 Architects Board of Western Australia Award. 

Outside of architecture, Pat’s passions extended to rugby, sailing, motorcycle racing, and model aircraft. 

In 1995 when Pat merged his practice with that of Grayam Sandover, he took on the role of mentor to his expanded architectural staff, providing them with expert guidance and opportunity for professional growth.  Amongst the young architects under his tutelage in 1995 were Peter Giangiulio and David Karotkin who now continue the legacy of Pat and Grayam’s practice as co-owners of Carabiner (formerly Sandover Pinder).  Pat’s oft-repeated approach to business was straight to the point – “do a good job, make some money, and have fun”.  This approach defined the office culture established in 1995 and continues to this day. 

Job done Pat.  Rest in Peace.

Karotkin LFRAIA (On behalf of the Australian Institute of Architects)
Managing Director Carabiner  


Funeral details

A Service to Celebrate the Life of the late Patrick Pinder will be held at KARRAKATTA Cemetery at 2.00pm on Tuesday (18.07.2023).

Please assemble at the Main Gate for cortege to the Norfolk Chapel. 

Read funeral notice here.

Read the obituary here.

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