By the time you read this I’ll be gone! Today, Tuesday the 2nd of February, we have our first Chapter Council meeting of 2021, and it is at this meeting that I will officially hand over the presidential role to the incoming president, Craig Rosevear.
Many know Craig for his partnership with Martin Stephenson and their sublime work over many years. Craig is an experienced and knowledgeable practitioner and his gentle and measured approach will no doubt stand him in good stead. I’m very excited for the opportunity to support Craig and the Chapter team team over the next two years, just as Yvette did with me – and I am sure he will do an amazing job.
I had the opportunity at the 2020 Christmas party to thank many who had contributed tirelessly for the Chapter over 2020, but for those that did not make it, I’d like to acknowledge a few of these now who have played a role over the last two years.
I want to thank Emily Ouston particularly, for her support as vice-president. Emily’s always thoughtful and considered advice has been so valuable during difficult times. Emily is one of our departing Chapter Councillors and although she will be much missed, I wish her well for 2021.
I’d also like to thank past presidents, Yvette Breytenbach, Brad Wheeler and Richard Crawford for their ongoing guidance. Yvette will be stepping out of the role as immediate past president and I thank Yvette for her commitment to that ongoing role, particularly on Chapter Council.
I note that Richard Crawford is one of our departing Councillors. The Chapter Council will very much poorer in Richard’s absence and I wish to thank him for his many years on the Chapter Council and service in other roles. I’m hoping we can acknowledge this commitment soon at an upcoming members social event.
Without the tireless efforts of the Chapter staff we would all be screwed (!), so I thank them for their ongoing work on behalf of all of us but particularly myself over the last two years. Thanks to Pippa and Lara who left during my term, but particularly thanks to Katie, Fiona and Jennifer.
Over the last two years I have had the opportunity to work with and get to know so many of our members. As individuals and as a body, I have witnessed your passion and commitment, your creativity and energy and your kindness to each other and I have felt very blessed to have had the opportunity to represent you. I feel like I’m part of this very special community, so for that thank I you all.
Shamus Mulcahy
President, Tasmanian Chapter
Australian Institute of Architects