Specifying the Complete Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) & Plasterboard System

Covers the use of Cross laminated timber products in lightweight building code-compliant Wall and Floor/Ceiling systems for multi-residential buildings and other building segments. CLT is an engineered wood product that consists of multiple layers of timber planks stacked in alternating directions and bonded together with structural adhesives. Prefabricated, lightweight and harvested from sustainably managed forests, CLT walls enable fast construction with strength, stability and durability.

Embodied Carbon: How to identify and minimise the impact of materials without compromising system performance

How to identify and minimise the environmental impact of building materials such as plasterboard and insulation without compromising building system performance. Covers the importance of reducing embodied carbon alongside operational carbon; the role of material selection in reducing embodied carbon, and the role of life cycle analysis in providing specifiers with the information needed to accurately assess products during selection.

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