WMK Sydney Studio | WMK Architecture

The transformation of the space has played a pivotal role in redefining and elevating the overall look and feel of the buildings ground floor plane.
Visitors consistently express a genuine “wow factor upon entering the space, remarking on the uplifting yet relaxing energy it exudes. This distinctive atmosphere, not typically congruent with traditional workspaces, resonates more with a welcoming hospitality venue. The deliberate design and meticulous planning that define the space showcase WMKs commitment to deliver a unique built experience.
Passersby have been so captivated by the inviting aura that some have even stopped to enquire if it’s a WeWork area. This speaks volumes about the space’s unique charm, making it stand out as an inviting and refreshing departure from conventional office environments. Carefully curated design elements not only foster productivity but also create an environment where work seamlessly intertwines with a sense of comfort and hospitality.
Yellamundie at Liverpool Civic Place | fjcstudio

The public library has never been more important than today as the most inclusive and democratic of buildings. In Liverpool, the existing library, though highly valued, evolved from a public carpark, obscured from view.
Following a fire, Council saw an opportunity to revitalise its main street’s southern end. Combined with council facilities and civic square, a unique 21stcentury library, Yellamundie, emerged, inspired by the graceful curve of the Georges River, known as Tuggerah before European arrival.
Yellamundie’s curvilinear design reflects the river’s flow, creating diverse, inviting spaces. Positioned at Macquarie Street’s treelined end, it fosters a welcoming, pedestrianfriendly environment with shaded gathering spaces. Circular glazed surfaces draw in natural light, framing city views. Multilevel zoning accommodates vibrant activities and quiet study areas. Children and youth spaces atop symbolise protection and support.
The multilevel design harmonises with Georges River’s lush landscapes, the Cumberland Plane’s suedelike hues, and bursts of native flora.
UQ Brisbane City | BVN

In 2019, The University of Queensland (UQ) purchased the state heritage listed building, 308 Queen Street and its 2008 tower extension. The scheme establishes a distinctive, state-of-the art learning environment through the through the conversion of the historic bank and modern commercial tower, providing new settings for postgraduate students within the Architecture and Business Schools, alongside a hub for UQ alumni.
Three key space types were identified: Teaching Suites, Creative Suites, and a series of unique Engagement Spaces. Collectively they provide both informal and formal teaching and learning environments at varying scales, from individual to group and large format.
SVSS – Amenities Block | pentArchi

The Samford Valley Steiner School Amenities Block is a demonstration that even a small project can make a big difference in shifting social socially perceptions which will enable greater sustainable goals and targets to be reached.
Providing the school campus with a typical composting amenities block was part of the sustainable design – Masterplan strategy by pentArchi for reducing water consumption and not exacerbating the existing onsite septic system which was already overloaded.
The school campus has no town water and relies on rain water harvesting with H2O stored in tanks for all the water usage of the school.
The findings of an audit on water consumption at the school campus established that WC flushing was one of the biggest single identified causes of water consumption.
Traditional WC’s not only waste a lot of water every day, additionally WC would have required relocation and provision for new onsite treatment plant with large effluent treatment area taking away precious play area for pupils.
The Steiner School is s a client who is willing to outlay the additional finance required, when it comes to specification and long-term vision of any design alternatives that offers sustainable solution.
Composting toilets eliminate the need for flush toilets, this significantly reducing water use and allows for the recycling of valuable plant nutrients to go back into the environment.
From an educational perspective, it was imperative decision for the school ethos to enhance public perception on waterless toilets.
In the past, composting WC’s may have been perceived socially to be old fashioned, ‘smelly’ and not appropriate for a school environment.
The design provides an excellent solution which facilitates pupils’ supervision, is easily cleaned and the chosen composting system is accessible and maintainable at low cost over a long period of times.
The design of the Samford Steiner School compost Amenities will increase sustainability in school campus and community at large in the following ways:
The waterless WC will drastically decrease the water consumption in the school which has no reticulated town water.
The waterless WC will not affect the existing on-site wastewater treatment infrastructure which is at maximum capacity.
The facility produces a dried usable by product top-soil like humus that does not need to be transported off site and when cured can be used as compost garden in beds and enrich topsoil.
The composting facility will make pupils aware of the efforts required for recycling including the constant monitoring of composting processes
Last and most importantly the high standard quality of the design will start to change the perception of pupils using waterless toilets and more importantly of taking responsibility of our own waste product.
Clever choice of materials and simple design reduced the total embodied carbon of the project and the overall energy consumption and water consumption is a fraction compared to similar conventional toilet blocks in other schools.
The Waterless amenities design was congruent with the underling sustainable principles of the school and thus provided appropriate solution.
View Street Renovations and Extensions | Jim Gall Architects Pty Ltd and Five Mile Radius

This project consists of renovation of an existing Queenslander of hertitage value as a building and for its context and urban character -especially its relationship to the street.
The foundation of the brief was to provide a comfortable, healthy and joyful home for a young family. There was a conscious decision to buy and renovate and extend and existing house because ” the most sustainable house is one that already exists”, especially in an area close to retail and community facilities and publiuc transport.
The design process involved developing the brief with the focus on accommodating and enhancing the uses/functions of the house (physically, socially, psychologically) with high quality and well made spaces/fabric. Value-for-money, was a key, ongoing part of the design and constrcution process.
The “wings” are added to the existing house in a simple and legible way. This follows the rationale and approach of the original Queenslander in realtion to construction and simplicity of plan and form, making the house inherently reponsive to its biophyiscal and social context.
Passive thermal performance was key. This had to be integrated with the provision of good natural light and access to veiws to the north and the east.
Additons to the north of the house, made in the 1980s and 1990s, had made the house dark. They were demolished and the materials measured, assessed and reused.
A double level internal space and double height timber framed “curtain wall” bring light well into the house and make the spaces feel generous.
A small timber tower provides a separate and private home office and access to “great city views” that had been blocked by redevelopment of the neighbouring property.
The additions are designed to be durable (low metabolic rate) and flexible in use. Their finishes, construction details and colours were selected to contrast with and jightlight the original Queenslander.
11 Logan Road | KIRK

11 Logan Road is a benchmark project for the adaptive reuse of existing Heritage buildings in Brisbane. The project includes mixed use development of an existing character commercial building, including retail, hospitality, and office spaces.
The buildings are of historic significance, occupying the site in some form since the late 1800’s.
This initial phase of site development represented a significant investment in restoring the existing character buildings back to their best version, with a broader view to reinvigorating the commercial / retail offer of this unique precinct.
The project evokes connection to our past and so deepens our understanding of our place in the present. By stripping back and exposing the existing fabric the building now has a distinct legibility, presented as obvious layers of old through to new. Old is not discarded but rediscovered and celebrated as part of a continuing evolution of the place.
39S House | Andrew Noonan Architect

The desire for innercity living inspired the owners to buy a severely dilapidated Victorian era timber workers cottage on a 240sqm block the western the edge of Brisbane’s CBD as their family home. The poor condition of the cottage prompted the question: How a 19th Century workers cottage be adapted for contemporary family living while being resilient to the challenges we face in the 21st century? The aim was to be an example of a strongly context driven, net zero adaptive reuse home. Proving that resource efficiency needn’t cost more, nor compromise living quality, while creating lasting value and a home that is significantly cheaper to run.
All Hallows’ School, The Potter Building Adaptive Re-Use Project | Fulton Trotter Architects

The Potter Building is the adaptive reuse of an existing 4 storey building in the centre of the State Heritage listed campus of All Hallows’ on the fringe of the Brisbane CBD. Originally housing only one storey of library, the entire building has been dedicated to library and related functions, the addition of a fifth floor, and the lateral extension of the existing floors. All new floor area is constructed using a cross laminated timber (CLT) floor structure, on a steel frame. Voids and stairs have been inserted into the building to create fluid interconnecting volumes, weaving the building into a cohesive whole. This facility has provided the school with a sophisticated solution to numerous spatial and circulation issues, and a dynamic learning environment for an evolving curriculum.
Ambrose Treacy College Amphitheatre + Play Space | Ink Duck

Ambrose Treacy College’s new flood resistant amphitheatre transforms an underutilised riverfront area into a versatile hub for the school. Following the site’s natural contour, tiered seating leads down to the central amphitheatre and play space. Embracing its riverfront position, the space can serve as a lunchtime play area, classroom breakout zone, performance venue and community friendly space. Designed with flood resilience in mind, the amphitheatre boasts timeless, locally sourced materials, and its cantilevered structure ensures stability even in adverse conditions. Preservation of indigenous trees and a harmonious alignment with the site’s natural contours demonstrate a commitment to environmental sensitivity. The result is an adaptive, intuitive heart of the campus, providing a unique and enduring space for both the school and the broader community.
Aidan’s Place | Blight Rayner Architecture

Aidan’s Place is a transformation of a previously dour and unwelcoming undercroft of an existing school building into what has become the fulcrum of social life on the St Aidan’s campus. It has been achieved by a combination of careful reduction and insertion of elements that enable multiple types of social interaction. In particular, the accentuation of the three dimensionality of the existing waffle ceiling and the extension of it in a series of abstract elements including skylights has dramatised and animated what had before been oppressive. The spaces are all naturally ventilated and openable, facilitating connectivity to the public street and into the campus, and welcoming wider community engagement.