Modus Operandi Brewery | Prevalent

Modus Operandi Brewery | Prevalent | Photographer: Jan Vranovský

2023 National Architecture Awards Program

Modus Operandi Brewery | Prevalent

Traditional Land Owners



New South Wales

COLORBOND® Award for Steel Architecture
Commercial Architecture
EmAGN Project Award
Sustainable Architecture
Kingston Building Australia
Jan Vranovský
Project summary

The Modus Operandi brewery reimagines the Australian shed through the repurposing of a post-war portal frame structure and the tieing of it with a newly constructed interfacing mechanism, bridging between itself and neighbour lots.

This is the first purpose-built space for the brewing company and was predicated around their ‘Beaches Brewed’ motto along with the notion of Modus Operandi – the mode of working of the brand, the act of brewing, and the social connections that entail.

The resultant space provides a protected, adaptive building that glows differently depending on time of day, safeguards native species of plants, and showcases them as a protective, cosseting response to the increasing ephemerality of our natural world. The space portrays a feeling of artificial nature, achieved through highly natural mechanisms. This technical approach to the showcase of nature echoes the clients modus operandi: highlighting the raw natural material that is turned into their brews.

New South Wales Architecture Awards Accolades
Commendation for Commercial Architecture
Shortlist – COLORBOND® Award for Steel Architecture
Shortlist – Commercial Architecture
Shortlist – EmAGN Project Award
New South Wales Jury Presentation

Connect with Prevalent
Modus Operandi Brewery | Prevalent | Photographer: Jan Vranovský

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