Bob’s Bungalow | Blair Smith Architecture

Bob's Bungalow | Blair Smith Architecture | Photographer: Tom Ross

2024 National Architecture Awards Program

Bob’s Bungalow | Blair Smith Architecture

Traditional Land Owners

the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung people of the Kulin Nation



EmAGN Project Award
Residential Architecture – Houses (Alterations and Additions)
Mark Howland
Tom Ross
Project summary

This addition to a 1930 Californian bungalow in Strathmore, Melbourne, is a response to countless conversations with two romantics in semiretirement, accompanied by their rescue dogs, Archie, Buzz  and at one time the project’s namesake, the dearly departed Bob.

Project meetings typically involved sharing food, so this was conducive to extended, wide ranging discussions on subject other than architecture like; film, the veggie garden, collected artefacts, camping trips and the decades already lived within the house. These discussions and the idiosyncrasies of both individuals have now, somehow through osmosis, manifested into a space that evokes their personalities.

As a space that compliments an authentically full life and decades of collected treasures, Bob’s Bungalow is unashamedly pastiche like a physical translation of an ongoing collaboration and friendship.

Victorian Architecture Awards Accolades
Award for Residential Architecture – Houses (Alterations and Additions)
Victorian Jury Presentation

Project Practice Team

Blair Smith, Project Architect

Project Consultant and Construction Team

EnergyLab, ESD Consultant
Karl Schnell, Facade Engineer
Marcon & Tedesco O’Neill, Structural Engineer
Smitcon Consulting Building Surveyors, Building Surveyor

Connect with Blair Smith Architecture
Bob's Bungalow | Blair Smith Architecture | Photographer: Tom Ross

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