From start to end, our publications are created intimately with the Australian architectural profession. This ensures our content is of the highest quality and celebrated by our readers. For an advertiser, it provides a unique opportunity to both profile your brand, but also support the profession at the same time.
For national advertising opportunities, artwork requirements and a current rates card, please contact Tamara Smith at
A publisher of architectural material for more than 90 years, our publications showcase the best residential and commercial projects, presenting the work of leading architects, photographed by some of the country’s best photographers. Authored by people from the built environment sector, our content considers the quality and amenity of the built environment and acknowledges that everyone benefits from good architecture.
The revenue raised by the advertising in our publications supports the Institute’s advocacy on behalf of the Australian architectural community.
View our publications calendar in the media planner below:
Official journal of the Australian Institute of Architects Victorian Chapter — published in print format as a magazine and also available online. Editions are published twice yearly with a dedicated Victorian Architecture Awards edition.
The Victorian Chapter’s Editorial Committee contribute towards planning, sourcing materials, and editing with the assistance of each edition’s guest editors.
Official journal of the Australian Institute of Architects New South Wales Chapter — published in print format twice yearly and also available online.
The New South Wales Chapter’s Editorial Committee contribute towards planning, sourcing materials, and editing. The publication has been an important cultural focus of the New South Wales Chapter for more than 80 years.
Official journal of the Institute’s Western Australian Chapter — published in print format as a magazine and available online.
Non-members can also purchase from Boffins, New Edition, Crow Books and Planet Books stores.
Reading Architecture brings together articles from our suite of publications. Articles that you may or may not have seen before along with newly curated material.
With a long-established history documenting architecture as critical practice, new projects and design, our content is authored by people from the built environment sector with subject expertise spanning academic, professional and popular, written, not in the continuum of infinite change and flow, but at a particular moment in time.
Our Reading Architecture newsletters are sent to subscribers monthly and feature key articles or projects from each of our three publications.
This is a unique opportunity to promote your brand as part of our Reading Architecture editorial online content.
• Audience of 8,000+ (Australian Institute of Architects Members)
• 12 newsletters per year
• 2 advertising opportunities per newsletter
• Average open rate 50%
For national advertising opportunities please contact Tamara Smith at for more information.
The Australian Institute of Architects acknowledges First Nations peoples as the Traditional Custodians of the lands, waters, and skies of the continent now called Australia.
We express our gratitude to their Elders and Knowledge Holders whose wisdom, actions and knowledge have kept culture alive.
We recognise First Nations peoples as the first architects and builders. We appreciate their continuing work on Country from pre-invasion times to contemporary First Nations architects, and respect their rights to continue to care for Country.