Robert Caulfield Graduate Research Scholarship
Submissions are presently closed
The Robert Caulfield Graduate Research Scholarship is awarded annually by the Victorian Chapter of the Australian Institute of Architects to recognise and encourage individual architectural research that enhances the value of architects and the architectural profession to the wider community. The Scholarship will be awarded to the most compelling proposal that seeks to critically investigate a relevant subject matter related to the advancement of architecture and the relevance of the position, profile and standing in the industry and community. Cross-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary approaches will be encouraged. The research project is to be completed within 12 months of the Scholarship being awarded.
- research that advances architecture and
encourages critical thinking - promote and support the value of research to industry and community
- support the linkages between academia and practice
- promote the relevance and value of the profession’s expertise to industry and community
- promote a positive outlook for the future of the profession and its practitioners
The Robert Caulfield Graduate Research Scholarship recipient will be announced at the Victorian Chapter end-of-year Gala. The Gala celebrates Victorian member achievements including new Life Fellows, Fellows, Australian honours recipients, President’s Prize, Robert Caulfield Graduate Research Scholarship, Graduate Prize and Student Ideas Prize winners.
The Victorian Chapter will promote the Scholarship and subsequent completed Research Project through various mediums including Institute publications, social media platforms, newsletter and website.
The Robert Caulfield Graduate Research Scholarship is funded through a generous donation by Robert Caulfield LFRAIA. Robert’s international architecture career was kickstarted after being awarded two Institute research scholarships as an architecture graduate, the KA Henderson Scholarship and the Sisalation Scholarship which no longer exist. Robert believes that scholarships are important to help young architects develop their careers.
The Foundation is the charitable arm of the Australian Institute of Architects with 100% of funds received committed to supporting, fostering, and promoting philanthropic initiatives across the architectural landscape that benefit the Australian community and promote and celebrate Australian architecture. The Foundation is a registered charity and provides official receipts for tax purposes.
- Must be residing in Victoria and a member of the Victorian Emerging Architects and Graduate Network (EmAGN)
- Must be within 15 years of graduation of an AACA Accredited Master of Architecture degree (or equivalent) OR have first been registered as an Architect anywhere in Australia not more than 10 years ago.
- Single and joint (up to two participants) submissions will be considered but both applicants must meet the above eligibility requirements.
Robert Caulfield Graduate Research Scholarship recipients will receive:
- $10,000
- Certificate
- 1 year of Institute membership (must be redeemed within 2 years of receipt of prize)
- 2 tickets to the Victorian Chapter end-of-year event
Additional Opportunities
The Victorian Chapter will endeavour to engage with industry stakeholders to provide platforms for the scholarship recipient to present their research.
Applicants must submit:
- Research Proposal Document including:
- Research proposal title
- Synopsis (500-word max) outlining the proposal’s research purpose and intent
Proposed format of deliverable/s for the completed research project
- Applicant’s name and contact details
- Video Proposal Presentation (1-2 min)
- Proof of eligibility including Institute of Architects Member No. and dates of graduation and registration (see eligibility below)
- Project outcome must be presented in a format suitable for publication.
- The recipient must present key research findings to an Institute forum within 12 months of receiving the Scholarship.
- The Scholarship recipient will prepare and formally deliver a 30-60 minute presentation of their findings to an Institute of Architects forum.
- The Scholarship recipient grants the Australian Institute of Architects licence to promote the research and the Institute’s support of their work.
- The Scholarship recipient will be acknowledged where part or whole of the research project is referenced by the Australian Institute of Architects.
An independent judging panel comprising professional experts will review all proposals with one entrant awarded the scholarship. The panel will consist of:
- Victorian Chapter Representative (Chair of Judging Panel, casting vote on tie) nominated by the Victorian Chapter Education Committee (non-academic)
- National Council Representative nominated by the National Education Committee (academic)
- Victorian Chapter Representative nominated by the Practice of Architecture Committee (POAC)
- Donor Representative (Industry/Community representative)
The judging panel is to be selected to ensure that there is no conflict of interest. Panellists are to submit any perceived or actual conflict of interest to the Chapter for review prior to formal confirmation of their nomination to the evaluation panel.
The decision of the judging panel is final. It will not be possible for individual feedback to be provided.
The proposal will be judged on its:
- clarity of methodology and intent
- potential for innovation and implementation
- response to salient issues for the profession of architecture in the contemporary and/or future context
- contribution to the wider practice of architecture in an interdisciplinary context
- relevance of the research to real world concerns
For questions related to Victorian Chapter prizes and scholarships, and for all submission entries please email
September 2 2024 Submissions Open | Research Scholarship Terms of Reference promoted on Institute channels |
September 17, 2024 | Robert Caulfield Graduate Research Scholarship: Information Evening |
Submissions will close October 4 2024 | Deadline for submissions to Vic Chapter |
Nov 2024 (TBC) | Winner Announced at Vic Chapter end-of-year event |
2023 Simon Robinson
2022 Hilary Duff