Learning. Engaging. Knowing. Our Acumen notes continue to provide knowledge and engagement to all levels of the profession, from students to experienced practitioners. In this update, view some of our recently updated notes covering topics such as gender equity, superannuation and continuing professional development in addition to newly developed notes on co-design, modern slavery and guaranteed maximum price contracts.
If you have missed an update via e-news or social media, recent new and significantly updated content can be found via the Acumen home page where you can also view our most popular notes. We welcome your feedback.
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New notes
New notepacks
Have you explored our notepacks? Notepacks provide curated Acumen content on a particular topic. New to notepacks:
These notepacks form part of a series of student-related notepacks curated by the Student Organised Network for Architecture (SONA), and provide relevant information for students about starting work in the architectural profession and working as an architect.
Updated notes
Acumen notes are regularly reviewed and updated. The following updated notes include new/revised material or resources:
- ABIC contracts – statutory approvals
- Asbestos
- Brief
- Business cycles
- Continuing professional development (CPD)
- Copyright and architectural photography
- Gender equity
- Guide letter 18: Advice to client – building contract
- Guide letter 19: Confirmation to client – contract conditions
- Guide letter 29: Recommendation to client – variations
- Latent conditions
- Minimum wages and award rates
- OHS Safe Design Requirements (Victoria)
- Preparation of contract documents – contaminated land
- Salaries and overheads
- Social media and the workplace
- Superannuation
- The briefing team
- Work experience and internships
Environment update
Highlighted note: Biophilic design: an introduction for designers
This note highlights some of the fundamental concepts that underpin biophilic design, and introduces basic principles and tools to help practices create environments that connect people to nature. It defines what biophilic design ‘is’ and ‘is not’ and explores case studies from across the Asia-Pacific region that have integrated this approach.
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