60 Years of
Acumen Practice Notes

Celebrating 60 years of Acumen Practice Notes
Our Acumen Practice Notes continue to provide knowledge and engagement to all levels of the profession, from students to experienced practitioners.
This year we are celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Acumen Practice Notes. On this dedicated page, take a look back at a timeline of Acumen’s history, read some member reflections and learn more about this membership benefit.

Your Acumen reflections
Predecessor notes are published in the RAIA yearbook
The first recorded publication of practice notes for Royal Australian Institute of Architects (RAIA) members was prepared by the NSW chapter. Notes included Engagement Contract between Client and Architect, A Form of Agreement Between Client and Architect, Advice to Tenderers, and Standard method for the Cubing of Buildings.
Image. 1959 to 1960 Yearbook cover page and page from A Form of Agreement Between Client and Architect.
1959 to 1960A practice group of Victorian practices is formed to provide mutual support and advice in practice matters
A practice group of Victorian practices was formed by Sir Osborn McCutcheon of Bates Smart McCutcheon in response to ‘a study of the effects of government initiatives on architectural practice, arising from the then proposed Australian Universities Commission. This particular study led to the conclusion that many architects’ offices had common problems which could and should be solved, or at least studied, collectively.’ (The Arbitrator 1986)
Image. A model of ICI House by Bates Smart McCutcheon (ArchitectureAU 2018)
1962Practice Services is established by the Royal Victorian Institute of Architects and the publication of Practice Notes commences
The publication of Practice Notes began immediately and was soon followed by notes on topics such as management, law and cautionary notes, along with reports and dissertations. The practice group transformed from an informal and private organisation to a formal part of the Royal Victorian Institute of Architects, led by Richard Butterworth.
Image. Richard Butterworth (ArchitectureAU 2000)
1964RAIA Practice Division is formed
‘In 1970, the RAIA adopted its present structure, with functional Divisions, and in 1971 the RAIA Practice Division was formed as the first of those Divisions, with Richard Butterworth as the first Director.’ (The Arbitrator 1986)
Image. 30 Howe Crescent, South Melbourne. In 1978, the National Practice Division was located in this building.
1971The National Practice Committee is supported by Practice Committees in each Chapter
'Practice Notes were drafted by Practice Committee members or their state members, or [the Practice Division], then circulated for comment and given approval for publication at a quarterly meeting of the Practice Committee, usually in Melbourne…Once approved…they were printed on a little off-set printer….and it was all hands to the plough to collate, staple and mail the notes to the subscribers’ (Lothian 2024).
Image. NPC circa 1980s, Sydney (Image: Margo J. Photographics) (click to enlarge image)
1970s to 2000sPractice notes become ‘Advisory Notes’ and the four volume hard-bound coloured folder set is established
The Practice Notes were reviewed and reordered under the new collective name ‘Advisory Notes’, comprising around 550 notes. The notes were printed and organised into the recognisable hard-bound coloured folder set.
Image. Advisory Notes coloured folder set
1996 to 2009 (approx.)CD-ROM version of the Advisory Notes is made available alongside the hard-bound coloured folder set
In 2005, there were over 500 notes in a full set. The Association of Consulting Architects (ACA) sponsored the RAIA Practice Notes from 1999 to approx. 2009, noting the ‘ACA supports RAIA Practice Services, recognising that it is an invaluable resource in the successful practice of architecture. The RAIA Advisory Notes on CD are proudly sponsored by ACA’.
Image. Advisory Notes CD-ROM 2006
2000 to 2009Practice of Architecture Learning Series (PALS) commences
The Practice Notes became an included benefit of the PALS program with Acumen notes forming an ongoing part of the PALS reading material.
Image. Current PALS banner
2001 (approx.)The Acumen Content Review Panel (ACRP) is formed and has its inaugural meeting
Since its inaugural meeting, there have been 20 members of the ACRP from Feb 2014 to Feb 2024 inclusive. See Acumen Acknowledgements page for full list of ACRP members.
2014Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Australian Institute of Architects and the Architects Registration Board of Victoria (ARBV) is established
The MoU enabled Acumen access to newly registered non-member architects within given years. The MoU facilitated a commitment to the development of a new Acumen platform and establishment of dedicated Acumen editor role.
Image. ARBV logo
2017 to 2019Revised Acumen website is launched in April 2018
The design of the current Acumen website was established, with four main sections – Practice, Project, Resources and Environment.
Image. Screenshot from current Acumen website
2018 to currentRevised Acumen website is launched in April 2018
A separate subscription for non A+ members is no longer required for access to Acumen.
2018Environment is introduced into Acumen, incorporating the Environment notes
Environment notes (previously the online Environment Design Guide (EDG)) is incorporated into Acumen in December 2018. See more about the history of Environment here.
Image. Original EDG branding and current Environment logo
2018Acumen is available to all members
Acumen is made available to all members (including Affiliate members) as a membership benefit.
2023The Acumen Content Review Panel (ACRP) celebrates 10 years
The ACRP celebrates 10 years as an Australian Institute of Architects national committee, tasked to develop and maintain the accuracy, currency and quality of the Acumen Practice Notes.
Image. The ACRP over the years (click to enlarge image)
ArchitectureAU 2000 – Obituary: Architecture Australia, July 2000
ArchitectureAU 2018 – Australia’s first skyscraper turns 60
The Arbitrator 1986 – ‘Richard Butterworth Awarded High Honour’, August 1986
Lothian 2024 – Marg Lothian, former Legal Officer, Director of the RAIA Practice Division, between 1986 and 1989
*This timeline has been complied to the best of knowledge, input and available resources.
Membership benefit
Acumen Practice Notes is an online resource of architectural practice material, providing an extensive database of advisory notes on managing architectural practice and projects in Australia.
The Practice Notes are continuously updated with new and revised notes, informed by the Acumen Content Review Panel and Environment Advisory Group, and include downloadable resources such as the ABIC reference contracts (as applicable to all states and territories), digital versions of the Institute’s Client Architect Agreement and the Client Architect Agreement for Limited Services, Guide letters, Client information notes and Case studies.
Acumen covers the primary streams: Practice, Project, Resource and Environment.
Acumen is an included membership benefit.